Michael Herz


to Michael Herz´s web site.

Why Kanal42?

In a nutshell, the number 42 has a special significance in the IT sector. The reason is Douglas Adams´ trilogy ´The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy´. If you want to learn more, please use the links.

Was tue ich?

What do I offer?

I work in several sectors of the IT. Software development, Web design, Administration and a lot more. You will find more details in ´Services´ and in ´About me´.

What do I offer to you?

I support you during staff shortages (e.g. holiday, illness etc.) or as a consultant in projects. I design your web site or give you advice regarding topics like hosting, provider and services. Furthermore I reinstall your PC and your home network.

Where do we go from here?

You can go on reading :-). I hope I will help you with my services.

Michael Herz


The picture shows Northwest Ireland, probably a region nearby Donegal. Like always, beautiful weather and a fantastic landscape.

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