Michael Herz



A profile is never up to date. I try my best to have it always up to date, but sometimes time flies faster.

Since I use Apple, the preferred formatting is PDF. You can also have it in Pages formatting. If you want it in word.doc, I am not able to guarantee the formatting. But please, look and see!

The latest profile is dated 15th May 2007:

Profile Michael Herz (deutsch) 2007-05-15.pdf

Profile Michael Herz (deutsch) 2007-05-15.pages.zip

Profile Michael Herz (deutsch) 2007-05-15.doc


If you are registered user of xing.com, you have access to my profile and contact data there as well.

I would be pleased to welcome you as a new contact.

Furthermore, you’ll find me at freelancermap.de. But the profile isn’t up to date.

How to reach me in Lampertheim:

How to reach me in Bonn:
